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For more information on programs throughout the City Parks, visit the Park Department online or call 219-886-7099.

City of Gary

Gary Parks Department

Gary, Indiana has a great history and has the greatest people. Now we must build the greatest city. We believe that Gary will realize its full potential and will see a resurgence that will surpass many of our visions. Together we can make it happen.

Visit the City of Gary

It's the responsibility of the department of public parks to stress the value of recreation, both active and passive, for individual growth and development.

For more information, please visit


Plan Your Visit

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Park Rules
Park Rentals and Permits
Preferred Vendors

Marquette Park

Park History
Natural Areas
Recreational Facilties

Marquette Park

1 North Grand Boulevard • Gary, IN 46403
(219) 938-7362 Phone • (219) 938-7380 Fax